Bug in _com_ptr_t::QueryStdInterfaces
Just thought I’d bring people’s attention to a bug in the COM support classes that ship with Visual Studio 2005/VC8.
It’s a fairly unusual edge case (at least, if you’re not being passed VARIANTs from a script language), where the _variant_t helper class attempts to extract a standard COM interface (IUnknown or IDispatch) from a VARIANT that’s being passed “byref”, e.g. has a type or’ed with VT_BYREF.
In this case the code in comip.h uses VariantCopy to “derefence” the pointer - convert it from, say, VT_DISPATCH | VT_BYREF to VT_DISPATCH - but if this succeeds, it then proceeds to use the wrong local variable, varSrc, rather than varDest that it’s just converted. The effect is that it causes an access violation. |
Here’s the code snippet in question:
// Try to extract either IDispatch* or an IUnknown* from
// the VARIANT
HRESULT QueryStdInterfaces(const _variant_t& varSrc) throw()
if (V_VT(&varSrc) == VT_DISPATCH) {
return _QueryInterface(V_DISPATCH(&varSrc));
if (V_VT(&varSrc) == VT_UNKNOWN) {
return _QueryInterface(V_UNKNOWN(&varSrc));
// We have something other than an IUnknown or an IDispatch.
// Can we convert it to either one of these?
// Try IDispatch first
VARIANT varDest;
HRESULT hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, const_cast(static_cast<const VARIANT*>(&varSrc)), 0, VT_DISPATCH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
hr = _QueryInterface(V_DISPATCH(&varSrc)); // Should be &varDest
if (hr == E_NOINTERFACE) {
// That failed … so try IUnknown
hr = VariantChangeType(&varDest, const_cast(static_cast<const VARIANT*>(&varSrc)), 0, VT_UNKNOWN);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
hr = _QueryInterface(V_UNKNOWN(&varSrc)); // Should be &varDest
return hr;
Looks like it’s the same in Visual Studio 2005 SP1, but Microsoft are aware of the problem, and hopefully there’ll be a patch soon.
Hope this saves you some time!