Beware! If you install the Windows SDK - perhaps to get access to the interesting looking WPF performance tools - you’ll find that it hoses your F# Visual Studio integration. I found that it causes intellisense tooltips to stop appearing, and the integrated F# interactive to crash Visual Studio. Both of these issues are a real pain; especially the inability to see the inferred types “live”, which is pretty much essential for F# development - where the focus is on compile time correctness.

I remembered seeing a post on that Windows SDK blog that I’d come across relating to a similar issue with the XAML editor (I’ve been doing some work with WPF recently, more on that in a later post) so thought I’d try the steps they recommend, in short, re-registering TextMgrP.dll:

regsvr32 "%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\MSEnv\TextMgrP.dll"

…and all my problems went away. Hope you find this useful.